7 Tips for Making Your RV in Arizona Feel Like a Home Away From Home

When choosing home decor to give your RV some style, fashion isn’t the only thing to keep in mind. Because your RV is a moving space, as well as sized differently from a typical room space,there are several things to keep in mind. Learn how to properly choose home decor for your RV.

Choosing RV Window Dressings

Dressing up your windows in the RV can be fun and help you feel more at home. But before you just rush to a regular department store, keep in mind that RV windows aren’t going to have traditional measurements. Choose a store that has a wide variety of sizes besides the basics. Measure beforehand to ensure you get the right size for your windows. Choose colors and patterns that complement other home decor choices.

Wall Decor For Your RV

Since your RV is a moving object, wall decor should be chosen wisely. Securing any wall hangings to the wall requires extra effort in the RV. To avoid drilling holes in the RV walls, there are a few options. Adhesive hooks are a popular option for lightweight items. But heavy duty adhesive hooks may be the best option when you need a hook for things like plants and other hanging decor. Some may opt for heavy duty adhesive strips when it comes to hanging pictures and similar wall decor. There is also the option of removable adhesive strips or putty if you think you will change your decor at some point. Velcro is a great way to hang cloth decor because it will be easily removed when it needs washing and just as simple to put back up.

Choosing RV Bedding

RV beds come in various sizes, depending on the type of bed and more. If you do not know the size, it may be safest to actually measure the length and width of the RV mattress or cushion before purchasing any bedding. Some of them come in traditional mattress sizes, while others do not. Some popular RV sizes include short Queen and RV bunk size. These are different from the traditional sizes. So if you have these sizes, check with a retailer who specializes in these specific items. There are often RV sales on these items since styles will change with seasons and fashion trends.

Choosing Wall Shelves For RV Decor

Wall units for an RV will need to have certain features to be successful at storing your items. Look for units with cabinets that lock if you’d like doors on your unit. Avoid heavy shelving unless you are prepared to drill holes and use anchoring hardware to be sure it stays put. Try choosing shelving that has racks to hold items more securely, rather than standard flat surfaces. The best shelving for your moving abode will contain features that will prevent doors from flying open or items sliding off surfaces.

Collectibles and Breakable Decor In An RV

Collectibles can be tricky when your space is one that moves. But there are ways to still have these items inside your RV. It helps to choose shelving that has bars or edges in front of the items it will hold. Another trick is to attach velcro to the shelving unit and the bottom of each collectible item to secure it to the unit. Some of these items might be attached to the wall in the same way. Just be sure to do this in a way that will be easily removed later, if necessary.

Choosing The Best RV Chandeliers

Since chandeliers hang from the ceiling, it might seem as though it wouldn’t work in an RV. However, there are several solutions if this is a look you’re going for. Choose the non-swinging variety to avoid damage to your lighting or RV. There are pendant chandeliers with one, three, or more arms. Lights can be facing up or down on these, depending on your style choice. If you want the look but not the danger, you might also choose designs that look like the swinging variety, except the arm does not move. Chandeliers can come in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, designs, and features.

Other RV Ceiling Fixtures

Much like with chandeliers, it may be wisest to choose ceiling decor that isn’t going to be swaying when the vehicle is in motion. Hanging plants can work in an RV if secured well. Choose sturdy hooks that are anchored well. Also, be sure the plant containers and hangers are sturdy enough to withstand frequent motion.

If you are in the market for a Used RV or Motorhome in Arizona please contact our sales professionals to help you choose the right RV for the value for your specific needs.

Also, if you want to sell your RV but don’t want to list it on RVTrader and do it yourself get a fair price at SellMyRVToday.com online. It’s an easy way to get cash for your RVs or Used Motorhomes.

5 Risks of Selling your RV on Your Own in Arizona

When it’s time to sell your RV in Arizona, whether you’re moving back to sticks and bricks or getting a new rig, you can save yourself a lot of time, worry and hassle by selling it to a RV dealer in Arizona. The risks of selling your RV on your own are getting higher.


While hand-written checks were always a risk, there are now fraudsters in the world of finance that can create fake cashier’s checks. Unless you have an attorney close at hand that can help you chase down cheats, you may be out a lot of money and won’t find out until the new owner drives off with your investment.


When you post an ad about selling your RV, you will risk exposure in several ways. You have to

  • post pics of the RV
  • give people your address, and
  • let folks know that, once you sell it, you will have a lot of money in your pocket

If you sell your RV to a dealer, you have one transaction, the dealer, one check that nobody knows about, and you can take it directly to the bank and drive safely to your home without sharing your address with the world. The RV dealers are willing to give you a fair price because they want to add it to their used RVs for sale in their inventory.

Who’s then responsible for the security of the rig? The RV dealer, who has security cameras, a fence, and probably a guard. Protect yourself; don’t expose your information.

Test Drives

If your new potential owner wants to test drive the rig, you will need to hand over the keys. If they don’t know what they’re doing and tear up your rig, you will have to take it off the market while the insurance companies fight it out. An Arizona RV dealer likely has a lot where people can practice, and will ask drivers to sign a waiver in the event of a wreck.

Any potential purchaser with nefarious intentions can make a test drive extremely risky as well. No matter how security conscious you are, never put yourself in the hands of someone with evil intentions. Let the dealer handle the test drive.

Your Time

Selling your RV on your own will require you to put a lot of time into a project that you may never recoup. You’ll need to take photos, find a safe place to post them, deal with gawkers, field too many phone calls and supervise test drives. Even if you do make more money selling your RV privately (and that’s not a given) your hourly rate for the work of selling it will likely be less than minimum wage. Don’t undervalue your time and frustration level.


Every gawker, even if they’re not serious, will force you to clean up the RV. In today’s world, that means disinfecting everything they may have touched. You should require anyone who wants to check out the RV to wear a mask, but what will you do if they refuse? Inviting strangers onto and into your property in today’s world can be fatal.

Your health, safety, sanity and time are precious. It would be nice to think that everyone out there is honest and will stand by their word, but we need to remember that there are folks out in the world that are downright desperate. Don’t put your information out in the world, letting strangers know that there’s an RV on your property, only to come home and find it’s been stolen, stripped or vandalized. Protect your privacy and your safety by selling your RV with a dealer.

Why Selling an RV in Arizona with Sell My RV Today is Your Best Option

There are several reasons to sell your RV with a dealer instead of selling it on your own. Your time, security and sanity may be under threat if you list your RV on Facebook or Craigslist. Instead of dealing with phone calls, messages or any other intrusions, work with us.


Your time is valuable. One of the challenges in selling your RV privately is that not all potential buyers are actually interested in purchasing an RV; they want to think about it while they walk through yours. Every person that walks through your RV will track in dirt and dust that you will need to sweep or vacuum up, and they may be carrying germs you don’t want to deal with. By working with us, you will only have to face one, serious buyer.


Obviously, you want the best price for your RV. However, your most interested buyer may not be able to pay you in cash or get the financing to pay for the RV. Unless you’re comfortable with someone else driving away with your RV (also known as your money) and hoping that they’ll pay you as they promised, selling your RV may be time-consuming and financially risky.


Even if you’re not driving your rig while you’re trying to sell it, you will need to insure it and you may need to store it. Why deal with all of those expenses when you can sell it to us and be done with those worries and costs?

Maintenance – Body of the RV

RVs need maintenance, just as houses do. If you need to store your RV away from your home, it may be bothersome to have to go out to the storage unit and check on the RV to make sure that all is well inside. If you’re keeping the RV outside your home, the risk of rodents and weather damage can be costly. If we sell your RV, we will handle the storage costs and concerns. If a hail storm comes up or the wind starts howling, you don’t have to worry about tarps, roof damage or calling the insurance adjuster. You can just be confident of the money in the bank.

Maintenance – Engine and Tires

Even if you’re not driving it, your tires will age. If you don’t have sun covers, they might start to rot in the heat. Seals and gaskets in your engine can fail or degrade while the RV sits in your driveway. SellMyRVToday.com doesn’t handle trailers or fifth wheels. We know the value of a well-cared for RV and are happy to help you get a great price before things start to wear out, fall apart, and get expensive.

You got good value out of your RV. No matter your reason for selling, we’re happy to help you get a great price for your unit so it can get back on the road. Skip all the hassles and risks of trying to sell your RV on your own. Contact us for more information.

How to Sell a Recreational Vehicle (RV)

Trying to sell a recreational vehicle (RV) or motorhome in Arizona?

In addition to not finding a use for one, people will complain about not being able to afford the payments. An RV dealership site has the right solutions for buyers and sellers of RVs. Selling your vehicle on this type of site is important in several ways.

Get the Best Deals on a Reliable Site

Some people choose to sell their RVs through classified ads or forums. Meeting with strangers is easy and convenient, but it’s not the best way to sell an RV and get the most profitable sale. If you’re not an experienced seller, some buyers will take advantage of that by giving you a low offer. A reliable local Arizona RV dealer website helps you to avoid shady exchanges and make the most out of your sale and you can sell it directly to Pedata RV Center where they are a RV Wholesaler and buy and sell Used RVS in Arizona

Self-Advertising Does Not Always Work on RVs

Everyone has seen a car that was advertising its own sale. On a regular car, this tends to be very effective, but it’s not guaranteed to work on an RV or commercial vehicle. There aren’t many random people who are looking for RVs to buy. Not everyone goes on camping trips, and if they do, many of them choose to travel in SUVs or trucks. So your advertising this type of vehicle to strangers is most likely to be a waste of time and effort.

There Are Countless Selections of High-Quality RVs

Someone who is serious about buying a high-quality RV and not trying to take advantage of sellers will visit a reputable RV dealership. Buyers will find wide selections of RVs and motorhomes in all makes and models. They cannot find this level of variety and quality by browsing through standard auto sale ads. They will have to look through hundreds of regular cars, trucks and SUVs by finding even one RV that’s listed for sale. An RV dealer site makes it easier to find the perfect vehicle that people need.

Buyers Get Discounts and Offers

RV dealers are salespeople who often provide special savings and offers to buyers. RV dealerships care specifically about the needs of RV owners. They customer offers to fit the unique tasks of buying, selling and maintaining such a large, complex vehicle. Buyers can sign up for discount programs and tips along with discounts on any RV-related purchase.

Buying an RV is expensive, so many dealers provide affordable financing options and payment plans. Their companies are also in business with banks and lenders. Their offers may include zero down and low monthly payments with or without a free home delivery service.

An RV is not a standard vehicle, so you can’t find a good deal anywhere. Trying to sell it on your own is not the same as trying to sell a luxury sedan or convertible. In many cases, the best solution is to visit a a local Arizona RV dealership site. Here you will find a wide range of choices that you can’t find anywhere else online.

Best Tips for Buying a Used RV or Motorhome in Arizona

There are several advantages to buying a used RV over a new model. However, you have to know how to successfully buy a used model in order to reap these benefits. Unfortunately, many people succumb to sketchy deals and end up spending too much money on a used RV or get scammed altogether. To help you get the best you can out of the deal, here are some tips for buying a used RV.

1. Always see the RV in person before buying.

When buying an RV used, it’s critical that you get to see it in person. Never deal with a seller who insists on making the transaction before you’re able to get a glimpse of the RV in real life. Not only could this end up being a general scam, but you could end up running into unforeseen problems in the RV that end up making the cost over-the-top. When you have a chance to inspect it yourself, you ensure that the investment is worthwhile.

2. Look carefully for symptoms of mold.

Mold is an RVers worst nightmare and not something you want to inherit when purchasing a used model. Mold growth could also be pointing to other structural damage in the piping or ceiling of the RV. The corner of the RV’s floors and ceilings is a great place to check for any symptoms of mold growth or water damage, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. Don’t forget to open closets and cabinets and use a flashlight since these areas are typically more humid than other areas in the RV and could potentially be harboring mold.

3. Check the top of the RV.

When inspecting a used RV, don’t’ forget to check to make sure the top is in good condition. Many models come with an attached ladder that makes it simple to get a good vantage point to ensure there aren’t any problems. You’ll be looking for weather damage, normal wear and tear, dents, cracks, and any other imperfections. These aren’t necessarily deal-breakers, but they give you a better idea for the overall condition of the RV and how much it’s worth. Just don’t let something out of your field of view go without a proper inspection.

4. Test any movable arms.

Many RVs feature movable extensions that can drastically increase the surface area available when stopped. Since the mechanisms required to move these parts back and forth can become worn out over time, it’s a good idea to test them before purchasing a used RV. Having someone on the outside and inside of the RV so you can look out for any problematic sounds or sights that catch your attention. Extending and retracting the parts twice should be enough to tell what kind of condition they’re in.

5. Look at the engine.

Too many people get caught up in the domicile portion of an RV that they forget that they’re also part vehicle. Just as you wouldn’t purchase a used car without checking to make sure it functions properly, you shouldn’t rush to buy an RV without seeing how it runs. Ideally, you would know a little bit about engines in order to detect potential problems, but anyone can spot major issues. When the engine is running, keep an eye out for any leakage on the floor, irregular noises, and abnormal smells. These could all be telltale signs that something is awry.

6. Buy from a reputable dealer.

While you might be able to find some deals that sound great on random websites, you’re gambling your money with no protection. When purchasing a used RV it’s ideal to only work with reputable dealers. These dealerships should have years of buying and selling used RVs under their belt, positive reviews from previous customers, proper licensing, and excellent customer services. If you can tick all of these boxes, you’ll probably feel more confident in the purchase. You won’t have to waste time or risk your money working with shady people on random sites.

7. Check the history of the RV.

Like all vehicles, RVs have documented histories of servicing and any accidents. Getting this information can give you a better idea of the current condition of the car than you could glean just by looking at it. If you’re dealing with a reputable RV seller, you shouldn’t have any problem getting your hand on this information. When purchasing from an individual, you can request the information, although you might not have as much luck when it comes to learning about the history of the RV.

Thanks to the Best Used RV Dealer in Arizona that has the best Used RVs for Sale in Arizona for providing these tips to help consumers.

How Do You Set Up Your RV Once You Stop At The Campground?

When you have considered some good RV sales, found the new or used RV that you want, and insured the vehicle, you are ready to travel anywhere you want. However, you need to understand how to get the RV ready once you stop. Some families try to get back on the road every day, but others will stop for a few days to enjoy the scenery. Use these tips to set up your RV when you stop for your first of many potential stops.

Do You Want An Awning?

You should use an awning when you are stopping in a sunny location. You can leave the awning attached to the RV, and you can open or close it easily. This is much easier than trying to haul a tent, and the awning adds to the value of the RV. You might want to sell or trade the RV in the future, and any prospective buyer will want that awning.

Do You Need Lawn Furniture Or Outdoor Seating?

Everyone uses their RV differently, and you might consider lawn furniture or outdoor seating when you get to a new location. If you are hauling outdoor seating, you must find foldable chairs and a table that is easy to store. You can set up this furniture under your awning, and most of this furniture will fit under the RV. You can tie this furniture to the roof rails, and it will never be too bulky. You should not leave the area where you parked your RV when you can carry your own furniture.

Do You Need A Generator?

You can invest in a modern generator that does not use much fuel, and you can power all the entertainment you need for your trip. You bought the RV so that you could sleep and live comfortably, but you might want to be outside with the family for much of the trip. You can use a small generator to power all the things that you like to do.

A generator can help you charge your phones, power an electric cooktop, or charge electric vehicles. Some families do not need a generator because they rely on all the systems in the RV. However, you are wasting unleaded fuel when you do that. A generator runs on Diesel fuel, and the generator gets much more life out of a gallon of diesel gasoline.

Should You Tow A Vehicle?

You need to tow a vehicle with your RV when you know for a fact that you will need to drive to other locations in the area. Most families are afraid to tow a vehicle because that makes the drive that much more complicated. However, you might need a small car to drive into town or to run small errands. Some families drive to picturesque locations, but members of the group might take a small vehicle for a sightseeing tour that cannot be reached with the RV.

Should You Haul Bikes?

You can haul bicycles on your trip because they fit on a rack that attaches to the RV. You might want to take bike rides every day because there are lovely trails to ride. You might want to ride bikes into town, or you might bring mountain bikes because there are long trails around the campground.

Are You Grilling?

One of the biggest questions for any RV trip is grilling. Some people go to RV parks or campgrounds where grills are open to the public. You could bring a charcoal grill, but you need to make sure that it has been cleaned thoroughly before you pack it up for the drive home. Cooking in the RV is fun and functional, but there is something to be said about grilling outside when the weather is nice.

Does Your RV Have Slides?

If you want more space when you arrive, you need an RV with slides. Of course, you will spend more money on an RV with slides, but you will gain much-needed space when you finally stop and set up for your vacation. Weigh the cost of slides with the convenience they provide.


When you are ready to go on an RV trip, you can use the tips listed above to ensure that you have a good time. Most people who would like to buy an RV need to consider roof racks, bike racks, grills, tents, and awnings before leaving for their next trip. You will have a much better time when you have planned properly.

Top 5 RV Driving Tips

Driving any new vehicle is an exciting moment. For that matter, driving a used vehicle that is new to you is also one of the best moments you will ever have on the road. Driving an RV, new or used, is doubly exciting as an RV is so much more than a car, truck, or mini-van. You will enjoy the room and the amazing amenities.

You will love the open view of the windshield, which allows a wondrous and scenic perspective as you drive. That said, safely driving an RV requires a few more skills and techniques in order to be proficient. Although it might seem intimidating to drive such a large vehicle, many people become proficient after a few practice sessions, and it usually comes down to knowing a few things about experience, visibility, and speed.

1. Practice

No one but no one gets into the driver’s seat of an RV for the first time and knows exactly what to do from the get go. In reality, it can be rather intimidating. However, any feelings of inexperience or clumsiness are actually to be expected.

Learning to drive an RV takes practice. The best way to practice is to find a large, empty parking lot and drive. For instance, whenever you are talking to someone about RV sales, you should ask if they have an empty lot where you can practice. In fact, it is quite common for RV dealers to offer this perk.

You should focus on learning how to maneuver your RV in a variety of different ways, including turning, parallel parking, and changing lanes. It is important to dedicate a few hours each day to ensure you truly understand how your RV handles.

2. Understanding speed

An RV represents a laid-back lifestyle that is meant for leisurely enjoying everything your travels have to offer. Your driving should reflect this perspective. Additionally, you have to understand that an RV has much more mass than a regular car or truck. Consequently, reaching top speed in your used RV will take much longer. More importantly, slowing down an RV for a tollbooth or a stoplight will require a lot more distance because the mass is too great for sudden stops.

Acceleration is likely not going to ever be much of a problem for you. However, slowing down requires you to begin braking within 10 car lengths, which represents 100 feet.

3. Corners

For any vehicle, the rear wheels follow the front wheels. This might sound obvious, but it is not. For instance, during a turn, the rear wheels will cut a corner and follow the front wheels. For a regular vehicle, this corner cutting is negligible and will not be noticed except in very narrow situations. However, if you cut a corner too sharply, a longer vehicle will end up driving over a sidewalk, potentially damaging property or hurting pedestrians.

Consequently, when turning, you should drive as far into the target turn lane as possible without crossing over into the oncoming lane. Basically, when you turn, you should complete the turn at the last moment. Doing so will cut a wide swath, and the rear wheels will follow the front ones while narrowly missing the sidewalk or curb. Additionally, you should take the turn as slowly as you deem necessary. Going slow will ensure that you are able to remain in control of your RV and come safely to a stop if you happen to misjudge the turn.

4. Mentality

Although an RV is primarily made for vacations and relaxation, driving one requires sharp attention to the road, other cars, and overpasses. Consequently, you should always allow plenty of wake-up time before you begin driving for the day. Additionally, you should not continue driving during the evening if the very visible recliner is calling your name.

Because eating can make you tired, you should wait a half hour after eating to drive, and you should always make sure to not allow conversations to distract you from the road. In terms of other riders, people should approach the RV as a bus or standard vehicle by remaining in their seats and not distracting the driving.

5. Position on the road

As anyone in RV sales will tell you, the best position on the road is the slow lane. Remaining in the slow lane results in two things. First, it allows others to drive at normal speeds. Although this courtesy is important, the second thing is that it helps the driver maintain a slow, safe mindset.

For instance, if you remain in the slow lane, you are less likely to take corners at a high speed or drive too fast for braking. Additionally, remaining in the right lane allows you the ability to pull over safely in case of an emergency. If you get a flat, for instance, maneuvering across three lanes of interstate can be dangerous.

How to have an RV Lifestyle in Arizona

Are you dreaming of an RV lifestyle? Does the thought of traveling the highways and byways of the country fill you with excitement? Even if your dream is only to be on the road part of the year, it’s still doable and still different than living in a house. It’s a lifestyle filled with adventure, exciting new places and new people.

So what do you do first to have an RV Lifestyle in Arizona?

First of all, you should make up your mind whether you want to live in an RV full-time or part-time. This is the first decision you should make because everything else flows from it.

If you plan to live full-time in an RV, it may make sense to sell you current home. This can also help finance the purchase of your RV. Living in an RV without a mortgage is much easier than doing so with one.

Do you plan to get rid of all of your possessions, keeping only that which you can take with you? Or will you keep some possessions, looking toward the day when your traveling is over? Is a storage unit the answer?

Will you “work from home” on the road or do you have a source of income, like savings, a pension or retirement money? Although your biggest expense will likely be the purchase of the RV, you’ll still have expenses like gas, oil, engine repairs and tune-ups, as well as everyday living expenses like food and clothing. You’ll also be paying lot fees for parking in RV parks, along with electricity and water.

If you plan to live in an RV part-time, what do you plan to do with your current home while you are away? What months of the year will you plan on hitting the road? Will you find it necessary to have someone live in and take care of your home while you are away?

Unless you live in a gated community, a condo in a secure building or a safe-beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt neighborhood, you may need someone to look after your traditional home. Knowing that your home is secure and looked after will bring you piece of mind and make your journey that much more enjoyable.

Your next step is to assess what type of an RV you want to purchase. Will you get a self-contained unit complete with motor and cockpit? If so, understand that you will be using your “home” as transportation for everyday errands unless you decide to pull a car behind you.

Will you opt for an RV trailer? If you want a trailer, you’ll need to have a reliable vehicle with enough horsepower to pull it. The advantage of a trailer is that you will have a vehicle for errands and short trips when you have put down stakes in an RV park.

How big do you want your RV to be? Are you satisfied with something just large enough for you and your partner? Or do you want enough space to accommodate family and friends who may travel to stay with you for short visits?

Once you’ve decided your general plans and taken stock of your everyday “housing” needs, you’ll need to address your budget. How much RV can you afford? How much do you want to spend on it? Are you looking for luxury or are you on a budget?

Regardless of your financial situation, there’s most likely an RV for you at your local RV sales dealer. Most dealers sell both new and used models. Whether you’re looking for something fresh from the factory or one that’s been used and loved, chances are that you will find just the right unit for your wants, needs and financial situation.

When you are ready to shop for an RV, come prepared with a tape measure and a list of the items you want to bring with you, along with their measurements, if they are something that you will use as furniture, décor, or artwork.

How much do your possessions weigh? This will factor into fuel efficiency and the ability of the RV engine or towing vehicle to efficiently tow the aggregate weight of the vehicle and its contents. You don’t want to find out that your engine will not propel your fully-loaded RV when you are half-way up a mountain.

Once you’ve decided on a unit, signed the paperwork and transferred the title, you’re ready to move into your RV.

Try to only bring with you possessions that you will use and enjoy. Leave the “what-ifs” that are not related to safety or on-the-road problems at home or in your storage unit. They will simply add unnecessary weight which will lower your fuel efficiency.

Finally, make sure that you have a place for everything and put everything in its place in your RV. Small spaces demand organization and in an RV it is especially important. After all, it’s going to be driving down the road at 60 mph or more; you don’t want things to start flying around in there.

Visit our local RV sales dealer and look for the model that fulfills your dreams of an on-the-road lifestyle. Chances are very good that you’ll find just what you’re looking for.

Why Sell Your RV or Motorhome to a RV Dealership vs. Listing Online

Whether you’ve decided to upgrade your RV or motorhome or come to the conclusion that this lifestyle isn’t the one for you anymore, you have a few options in terms of making the sale. For example, you might decide to list the vehicle and sell it independently. While this decision might have some benefits, opting to sell your RV or Motorhome to a dealer is typically the more streamlined process.

Less Room for Error
Selling a RV isn’t as simple as just handing over the keys and getting some money. Think back to the time when you last purchased a vehicle, and you’ll likely remember that a process including some significant paperwork was involved. Working with a dealer means that you don’t have to figure out what the right next step is. The dealer will take care of these issues for you. Furthermore, you don’t need to worry about determining what paperwork is required; the dealer will handle those issues.

Stronger Safety
Decades ago, people might have put advertisements in newspapers or in local publications advertising the sale of their vehicles. Then, someone from the neighborhood placed a friendly phone call inquiring about the RV or motorhome up for sale. Now, however, these types of individual listings tend to go online. Posting online about a vehicle for sale might mean that you are subjecting yourself to phone calls or emails from unsavory individuals. Eventually, you would need to meet with the buyer to make the sale, and venturing out in person to make such a sale with a stranger from online is certainly a risky move when it comes to safety.

Financial Safety
Meeting someone that you don’t know can come with dangers to your physical being. Other concerns involve scamming. For example, someone might agree to the sale price and then pay you with a bad check or with counterfeit money. When you are working with a dealership, you do not have to worry about any of these types of threats to your safety. You can see that the dealership is established in the community, feel secure when working with the professionals and know that the money you are receiving is good.

Fair Offers
Whether you will procure more money from a dealership or from a private sale really depends upon a number of factors, and an unequivocal answer that applies to every situation does not exist. However, working with a dealership does mean that the vehicle will go under professional assessment. Instead of receiving a negotiated deal from an individual who is just trying to save as much money as possible, you can obtain an offer from a professional who has assessed the vehicle based upon a number of determined factors.

Imperfect Condition
If you are thinking about listing your RV privately, you might have some concerns about the current condition of the vehicle. For example, simply put, the vehicle might be in imperfect condition. As thus, you are wondering if anyone would really want to purchase it. A RV and Motorhome dealership typically has certain qualities that it looks for when purchasing vehicles. However, you do not need to have an RV or motorhome that is in perfect condition. Of course, you should expect a price adjustment based on how far from mint condition the vehicle is in. Still though, you don’t have to worry about making the repairs yourself. Furthermore, you may not know how good of shape the running parts of the vehicle are. You may inadvertently sell the vehicle to a private buyer thinking that no problems exist. Then, you could find yourself in the middle of a nasty battle in the event that problems do come into fruition with the car.

Selling a vehicle through a private sale is often a hassle because you have to figure out how to get home from the sale point. In other words, if you drive your RV or motorhome to the person who is purchasing the vehicle, you then need to have someone else come along with you to bring you home. Working with a dealership means that you do not have to deal with this hassle at all. The dealership will come to pick the vehicle up from you.

Overall, selling a motorhome or RV privately is a headache. The process involves so many steps and considerations that you may want to give up after only a few days in. Fortunately, if you are at this point or if you are simply looking for a better way to sell your vehicle, you can work with a RV dealership.

Ultimate Guide: Different Types of RVs and Motorhomes

Having an RV is a great way to get out and see the country. You can save a lot of money by bringing your own accommodations with you, and it allows you to experience places in a whole new way. If you’re new to RV sales, you may not realize that there are so many options to choose from.

When it comes to finding the right RV, you will have to consider a lot of different options. Usually on the top of that list is your budget. After that comes what you will be using the RV for. However, before you start thinking about these things, it’s helpful to know what types of RVs you have to choose from.

Motorized RVs

Most people are aware of the motorized RV category. These are the vehicles you see driving down the road that have the living quarters and cockpit combined. What you may not know is that there are different models within this category. These include the following.

Class A Diesel Motorhomes

These are usually the largest vehicles within this category, and the diesel engine is located near the back. It offers more torque compared to the gas vehicles in this category, and it comes with a smooth ride and luxury options. If you have plans on becoming a full-time RVer, then this may be the vehicle you’ll want to get.

Class A Gas Motorhomes

These are much like the diesel motorhomes in that they offer a lot of the comforts of home. However, they are usually smaller because the gas engine doesn’t have as much power as the diesel. They can still offer a smooth ride and are ideal for full-time RVers.

Class C Motorhomes

These are smaller than the other two options in the category, usually built on a truck frame. They come in both gas and diesel versions, and they may not have as many amenities as the other options. They can go more places because of their smaller size, so they may be ideal for people who like to camp or who travel with family or friends.

Class B Motorhomes

This is an even smaller motorized RV, and it is built on a van chassis. Coming in both gas and diesel versions, it can also come with 4-wheel drive capabilities, giving it the power and ability to get into some secluded areas. Since it is smaller than the other options, this choice is ideal for solo travelers or couples.

Towable RVs

When it comes to RV sales, in addition to motorized motorhomes, you can also get towable RVs. These also come in a variety of sizes and with different amenities.

Fifth Wheel Campers

This is the largest option in this category, and to get this to your camping spot, you will need a large pick-up truck that is fitted with a special hitch. These RVs can be incredibly large and spacious, so they are ideal for large families or people who like to camp in large groups. If you are considering getting one of these RVs, you’ll also need to buy a truck that can handle the weight of the camper and everything inside.

Toy Haulers

These RVs combine both living quarters and space for toys such as dirt bikes, golf cars, snowmobiles, and four wheelers, among others. These are equipped with heavy-duty doors that also double as a ramp for getting your toys in and out. They come in both towable and motorhome options.

Travel Trailers

This is an incredibly popular RV option that can be towed by a truck’s bumper or frame hitch. They are smaller in size and lighter in weight, so they are easy to take into various campgrounds and other places. They are also easy to set up and can come with slideouts for increased living space.

Pop-Up Campers

These campers have been around for a long time, and they are ideal for families who enjoy camping but don’t want to sleep on the ground. They are light and can be towed with a bumper hitch on your family vehicle. They are fitted with a hard base and canvas sides that pop-up and create the sleeping area. They have the ability to make camping more comfortable and enjoyable.

There are a lot of Used RV options for sale available. Some of the things you’ll need to consider when looking for the right RV include your budget and how you plan on using the vehicle. Once you know this, you are sure to find the one that will fit all of your wants and needs.

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